Truthful Tuesday

Physical pain hurts but if you’re blessed you heal from that.  Emotional pain hurts like hell.  However it only reads its ugly head at the most inopportune times.    I’ve not been in a serious relationship in a long while.  I’m talking […]

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It is 1955.  Rural Nebraska.  Grand Island to be exact.  The store is Schweser’s.   A now defunct clothing store that had been around since 1880 in rural Nebraska.  It closed all its doors in 2015 per this article.  It was a storied […]

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Systems versus Goals

I just finished the book Irresistible by Adam Alter – The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked.  There was one part of that book that talked about Systems versus goals in terms of recovery from any type […]

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To my nieces and nephews: I sat down to write this for you because I want to talk about choices.  I have been on this planet for 55 years.  I have made choices that have affected the trajectory of my life.  For […]

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Current Reality

My current reality is ALWAYS changing into what I want. Isn’t that great!!!! I get to focus on what it is becoming!  Most say, “but Kelly it is this”.  By the time you see reality, it is in the past.  In that […]

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In life we seek resonance with other human beings, our parents, our friends, online people of our own persuasion, and so on. People are our “neighboring object.” Each time we seek that resonance, we are seeking a vibration.

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Law Of Attraction & Healing

I believe the 2 are intertwined to be exact.  we are in this shapeshifter world right now whereby we have to keep our distance from others.  I am all for the extreme caution on the physical front.  It truly is better to […]

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Collective Consciousness

A friend of mine in LA that I still keep in contact with said, and I paraphrase, this is a collective consciousness correction. We needed this break. In the states all the partisan bickering, focus on sports (hello Kelly), and other things. […]

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Social Media Distancing

With this outbreak, we are encouraged to practice some social distancing from people.  I am a fan of this because it is better to be safe than sorry.  I am cautiously optimistic as well because this started in November 2019 so the […]

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The Four Agreements – My Thoughts

The Four Agreements — My thoughts Edited version from my post in 2015. This blog post is focused on my spiritual journey that has led me to this day of being a spiritual life coach. You may see the film side […]

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