
At the time of this writing, I just got home from driving to Corpus Christi for an ophthalmologist appointment. At the tender age of 59 I have had glaucoma for about 10 years now. I slacked in going to the doctor as […]

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My Reconciliation Era

My reconciliation Era How do you reconcile 59 trips around the sun? This time has moved so fast. It is a major accomplishment to be here writing this, even with a site to document it. It’s a major thought process to look […]

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I Write for Me

I grabbed this site in 2015 not knowing what I would do with it. I was retired from my 25 year computer programming career living off a golden parachute. I knew that our thoughts mattered. This site, my coaching has morphed into […]

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You are a divine manifester

You are a divine manifester. As I say: We are all one. We are all divine. We are all collectively God. And yes we are manifesters. Why? What ever we consume in our intellectual diet we give birth to. For instance if […]

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My Nebraska Trip

Let Spirit Take the Wheel  How was your trip? It was emotional Karen. Emotional. I apparently have this primal urge to cry when I see my family in person after an extended period of time. It is a weird thing. That lump […]

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To Post or not to post

If you feel the need to post on social media a random thought, ask yourself this. Should I post this or should I journal about this. This has been my mantra as of late. You see I want to tell my bff […]

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Attracting the right mate

Relationships.  Attract don’t chase.   Right? Right! As a mindset coach I have to coach myself.  In doing so, I have to see myself from above, including watching my actions, watching my thoughts.  It’s what I teach and it’s what I do in my own life.  To […]

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The Present Moment

The ego lives in the past and future but never in the present moment.  – Eckhart Tolle This is a quote I cherish from a master.  It is so true.  Lets add to this however.  Remember, the ego is there to protect […]

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Frisky Friday

Frisky Friday A lot of people who meet #abrahamhicks want a rampage if appreciation from them. I live when I hear that. But I love when I do it myself in my journaling. I’ve barely had a cup of coffee and my […]

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Follow those impulses

Wednesday Wisdom I woke up early.  6:40 AM early in my day off. I altered my morning routine.  I took Ginny out for her walk first.  Normally I boil water for my oatmeal, start the coffee, make the bed, and then walk Ginny.  Today I altered […]

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