Blog Posts

What Fascinates You?

To find a successful vocation, you have to find what fascinates you.  I have a book from Sally Hogshead about this.  I used to follow her on twitter as I truly was fascinated by it.  As I journey through life, I have […]

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What will you manifest in 2019

People write down goals, which are an on-off switch game.  If you don’t achieve them, you failed.  I’m not a huge fan of goals like that.  Years ago, I hired a life coach because before that I was writing down goals every […]

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Trust Your Mistakes

Trust Your Mistakes The other day, I decided to listen to a friend’s podcast, “Walk-Ins Welcome”. My friend, Bridget Phetasy, hosts it. We have followed each other on twitter for years. I love her perspective on a lot of things and she’s […]

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Watch Your Thoughts

Watch your thoughts & actions like a movie. Years ago I was searching for spirituality in my life. I purchased a Buddhist card deck. One card stuck out to me. “Watch your thoughts.” I believe it talked about watching your thoughts like […]

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Pay it forward with abundance

You don’t need money to feel abundance. This is my key theme the last month. While I may not have the bank account to buy anyone gifts or even buy myself a gift, I do have a huge bank account in abundance. […]

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“Your power ends where your fear begins.” Not sure who said it first, but it’s a great lyric in a Melissa Etheridge song I love. Fear drives people to do things. I have a fear of being late for anything. I have […]

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Zero Control

The sun rises and sets every day.  It’s something we cannot control.  Stars shine in our night sky.  It takes roughly 4 years for the light of that star to reach us.  This is out of our control. I’m a calculated risk […]

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Alignment Versus Hustle

Chasing your dream can be exhausting. It takes a lot of work, desire and dedication. However, you don’t need to work 14 hour days to be successful. You don’t need to hustle to be successful. What has worked for me is a […]

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What Is Your Money Story

I listen to a lot of Law of Attraction (LOA) podcasts, this one in particular, and cull as many nuggets of information that I can.  This is one that comes up for me personally.  This is a story I have had all […]

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Every Thought Isn’t a Social Media Post

Recently I deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I did this on a Sunday morning. It is Saturday as I write this and I had one of the best weeks of 2017 I have ever had. Part of life is reducing clutter […]

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