The Present Moment

Eckhart Tolle quote
Eckhart Tolle

The ego lives in the past and future but never in the present moment.  – Eckhart Tolle

This is a quote I cherish from a master.  It is so true.  Lets add to this however.  Remember, the ego is there to protect you.  You get anxiety about XYZ because the ego is in survival mode for your benefit.  Now I’m going to get spiritual here but hang with me.

In the beginning we were just divine beings.  The ego was created and we became human beings so we could experience things.  If you haven’t eye rolled yet, good, because it gets tons better.  Our collective consciousness is that divinity.  I mean how cool is that!  All of us still have that divinity! We are all one and we are all god and divine.

Give some pause to think about that.  At any moment in time you can tap into that divinity that exists.  There are 7.8 billion people in the world.  I know you know of many that are praying, meditating, or other forms of prayer just to help the world heal.  Tap into that divine presence that some call “spirit”.  Spirit is always there for you.  How cool is that????

As I am writing the next chapter of my book of life, I am closing the chapter on my last job in terms of emotional healing.  It was a shock to my system.  I was devastated.  I had dark thoughts.  I didn’t want to be on this planet.  I wanted to go be with my father (who is deceased).  However, in all that it all taught me that I had to stay ever present and ever focused, one day, one moment at a time.  I cannot even think about what my life will be like on my birthday next month.  I have to stay here today and focus on those challenges.

It really has forced me to stay in the moment, allow spirit to take over, pushed me to let go of controlling outcomes, a vice of mine.  Letting go and let it flow is difficult for me.  I dealt with trauma at the age of 8 and ever since I have tried to control outcomes so there is no trauma.  In this case, I did let go, let spirit take the wheel.  I’m blessed because it helps me focus on the moment.  For me that is finish writing this, creating a graphic and publishing it.  I just had a thought about some bill in November.  I let it go as one of my friends in LA taught me, just put that thought that doesn’t serve me into a balloon and send out over the ocean.  So I did that.

Let go, let spirit take the wheel so you are no longer at the mercy of your beautiful ego.

Much love and peace and until next time, remember: Every Thought Matters.