The Four Agreements – My Thoughts

The Four Agreements — My thoughts Edited version from my post in 2015. This blog post is focused on my spiritual journey that has led me to this day of being a spiritual life coach. You may see the film side […]

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10 Ways to be Committed to Yourself

Passion Whatever you are working on, you have to have a passion for. I recently worked on a spec script for a TV show called “The Goldbergs“. I love the show and wanted to write an episode (spec script) for it. However, […]

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10 Ways to Choose Yourself

Treat yourself as sacred. If you do not value yourself how can you help others choose themselves. Choosing themselves is about being a sacred being amongst you. If you show that you treat yourself as sacred, they will follow in line. This […]

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Writing Presence

Being Present in your writing Writing to most means sitting in front of the keyboard and typing on a computer screen, much like this blog. That’s a good form of writing. However, I recently discovered a better way for me and I’m […]

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The Present

I often write about staying present. The ego lives in the past and the future but rarely in the present. I say this a lot and remember it a lot when my ego comes out to play. I define it, then determine […]

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