What is God?

So you think there is this all powerful being called God? 

Well  who created this?

Why did someone have to create it? 

Why does western religion have God as a male archetype? This will always bug me.  Souls have no human gender.  Moreover, the divine feminine created this world not the divine masculine.  Regardless, this extraordinary soul does not equate to human thought forms.  

Why is it that everything that happens, occurs through the lense of your perception, through your pineal gland and then interpreted?   Where does God factor into that? This is an answer I don’t have yet. 

How do you know if God is real? Because you have faith and that is enough? You don’t question things?

Is this an illusion? Yes.  I can have full faith in that.  I have faith in that because everything that happens to me is through the lenses of my perception, my pineal gland and then the central nervous system of this human meat suit.  

What about all of these collective experiences? There are over 8 billion people on this planet and each of them is a different universe.  Maybe some of them intersect.  Maybe they don’t. 

As I’m writing this I question what I have seen heard as real.  Why?  Because I believe in the spirit world.  I talk to Jesus all the time.  His soul transcends the ether.  That’s what I believe and what I wish to experience in my illusion.  

Back to the collective experiences.  I can quote a tv show online.  And I’ll get 1000 responses.  I created that illusion of people who know this tv show in my illusion.  So are any of you real? You are as real as I want you to be or not?

If you read this and disagree with me, that will exist in my universe.   How I see that and react to that is how I create the illusion that is my universe.  And how I see and react to that is my choice as well.  

Am I writing this for my own universe?   Yes.  To create the illusion that there are people in human meat suits like me. 

Walk up to someone and say “thank you for being in my illusion”.  

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