Live Your Life Like You Are in Vacation Mode

Live your life like you’re in vacation mode.

I typed up my 2 weeks’ notice to my job. I turned it in and I feel high with life. It is a day I have dreamed about for 2 years.

It is a day I am still dreaming about.

Kelly what does that have to do with vacation mode? Let me tell you about vacation mode from my perspective.

In May 2009, I was sitting at a Escalantes restaurant bar (Houston) on a Saturday night. The next day I was going on a vacation to the Dominican Republic. I was flying high and yes, the margaritas helped. These two attractive ladies sit next to me. We got to talking and of course I talk about my trip. I even got phone numbers. If you know me, that’s not my strong suit at all. As a recovering people pleaser, I push my number to them not the other way around. I was in vacation mode. Nothing happened. We text the next day but nothing more happened. I had a great vacation mode.

Vacation mode is about being in the freedom of being you without life’s responsibilities. You planned it all, you paid for it, now you get to enjoy it. You are flying at a high vibrational level. I’ve done 2 cruises that I loved. I met so many wonderful people. Why did ii click? Alcohol probably was a part, but those breakfasts were just as great and the pool and so on. You are in a high vibrational mode the whole trip other than the last day. I still have friends on Facebook from those trips.

I took 2 beach volleyball vacations in Turks and Caicos. A week of playing 2 on 2 sand volleyball, clinics and yes partying. I still have friends from those trips. I got to hang with real pro beach volleyball players One person is the DJ for the Los Angeles Lakers, yes that Lakers team. I am friends with some of them still. Why? Vacation mode and yea great location.

As a mindset coach, I use these stories a lot. It helps people understand vacation mode. Now lets digress into this topic. Vacation mode can be a lot of things. Yes, it can be a trip to Italy or a jaunt to a weekend Airbnb. It can also be turning into your two weeks’ notice at work as I started off talking about or buying a new house (done that 3 times and it is wonderful), or meeting someone new. Vacation mode is about that feeling of freedom from worry. You are vibrating at a high frequency.

I am working on this myself as I work at a dead-end job to pay the bills. It is a very 3d life. I am 59. I must get back to living life like I am in vacation mode. I have started imagining quitting my job. That is vacation mode. That exit. It will transform my life being in that mode more often than not. It will.

Find what mode works for you. If it is a cruise, Airbnb, camping in the mountains, or whatever it is, visualize that when you have those moments of feeling stuck. Do you have to plan any of this? Sure, plan it if you have the means, but even if you don’t have the means, you can slip into that mode. Once you do that, you will start attracting the freedom you desire. More on that on another blog post.

Find your vacation mode vibration and sit in that for 17 seconds as Abraham Hicks suggests. You will get where want to be. That high flying disc that Abraham Hicks talks about will be yours for the taking and your life will manifest like you’ve dreamed about.

Until next time, I am Kelly your resident mindset coach and light worker leader helping you change your life one thought at a time.

Much love and peace and remember every thought matters.

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