Adulting is Self-Care

Yes, paying bills is self-care.   Going to the grocery store is self-care.  Doing laundry is self-care.

I  know all the woo-woo people will tell you to journal, meditate, pray or the like.  But adulting is shunned as we all want to play.  But the real truth is, adulting is a form of self-care.

When you go to the go to the grocery store, you are taking care  of yourself by getting food and supplies for you and your family.  That is self-care.

When you put gas in the car, it is a means for you to run errands and such.  You are doing self-care by providing  for a means of transportation.

Brushing your teeth is self-care.

Showering is self-care.

I could go on about all of the adulting we do.   It’s a long list, but you get the message.  

I  have had a week of begrudgingly forms of self-care including scheduling a doctor’s appointment, going to my ophthalmologist appointment for my glaucoma, taking vitamins and supplements daily.  I even renewed my food handlers certification which is a form of self-care.  Yes, I have a job that requires it, so it is taking care of myself so I can remain gainfully employed.

As you take a look at your daily life incorporate the wooo-woo self care, but also remember that your daily adulting is a form of self-care. 

As always, I love you, I am proud of you, and remember every thought by matters.  

Every thought matters 

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