Kelly Raymer

My name is Kelly Raymer. I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur! I dabble in a lot as I’ve been a computer programmer, filmmaker, life coach, mindset coach, tarot reader and now the co-founder of the Every Thought Matters Collective.


I’m a mindset life coach who has had 3 careers and a whole host of other jobs along the way.  My life has seen peaks and valleys, abundance and lack thereof, but one constant is my ability to connect to people and elevate them.  This has led me to this vocation, serving others as a mindset life coach.

In 1988 I ventured into computer programming as a career and 25 years later I left that career to pursue a life of being a filmmaker.  I’ve lived in Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and California. I’ve been rich, I have been poor and everything in between. Everything happened for me.  I consider Texas to be my home and is where I reside now, specifically Rockport.  As I said before in each of those chosen professions, the one constant was my ability to connect to people at an authentic truthful level.  It served me well as a programmer and as a filmmaker and now is serving me as a mindset coach.

I truly love what I do and I love connecting to people in an authentic way.  Along this path, I’ve added tools to my toolbox to help me with life and it’s peaks and valleys.  Those tools are the cornerstone of my life and my mindset coaching practice, from law of attraction to meditation to basic planning concepts.  Each is connected in a way to where your thoughts matter and help you get further in life to achieve your goals, dreams, and aspirations!!! I know what I can do but also I know we have a great collective here to help you! Your life changes are unique to you, so you have to feel comfortable who helps you. Ultimately I want you to succeed regardless. If you succeed, we all succeed.

Why work with me?

I have lived over 5 decades accumulating knowledge about myself. Self-Care is key and along the way I have learned from not only masters but also in every day life what happiness is. Moreover, I have learned about the law of attraction, the law of assumption, and many other things. I am reaching for my higher self each and every day. He is there as I can see him.

Your higher self wants you to grow. That higher self is who you want to be. You are totally aligned with all of yourself. That’s what I want to do is help you create and receive thoughts that align with that person you want to be. Like I said I have 5 decades of experiencing life that can help you. I am CONSTANTLY learning about myself, the world around me. I want to use that knowledge to elevate you and help you manifest whatever it is you want, money, career, a home, all of that. I use logical and spiritual principles to help you see your true self.

Finally, every thought matters. Why? Our thoughts create our reality. We receive thoughts and then think them. I help you turun to those amazing thoughts that exist inside your reality and inside you already into things!! You got this and I want to help you become truly aligned with who you are!

Mindset Coaching

Mindset Coaching is truly about watching your thoughts, reprogramming your subconscious to allow better thoughts to surface. I have a wide range of tools in which to draw from to help you achieve whatever successes in your life you desire including a video vision board.

If you are interested in my services, use the form on the welcome page to reach out.